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ASSEMBLE THE CHARIOTS celebrated their album “Unyielding Night” release at On the Rocks on July 27, 2024. Released via Seek & Strike on July 22nd, “Unyielding Night” has already begun making waves in the metal community, and the band’s release show promised to be something not to be missed.

Second to take the stage after Lightbearer launching the night were the more familiar IA, whom I was experiencing live for the first time, but was a familiar name from my days running Morbid North. They offered progressive metal with pagan influences. Bathed in UV light, their set was a challenge to capture on camera, yet I managed to snap some amazing photos. Barefooted vocalist, Kirill Shevchenko, and the drummer, Ukri Suvilehto, also known from ABBATH, engaged beautifully with the camera, overcoming the challenges posed by the intense lighting.