Let the Monster Loose •
kiukkukoppi teippaus cs5

Be a Rockstar was an in-store event arranged at Verkkokauppa.com. As we used to have this concept called "Kiukkukoppu" (rage-booth) we decided to let the event audience make the best possible show to smash already SER-worthy products into pieces. The one who made it to the coolest show won the final prize.

hahmo web
Character art I drew for the event.

I made all the key visuals for this event including the character, logo, and background art.

I also made all the print and web assets including online banners, in-store roll-ups and posters, digital signage videos, and the tapestry for the Rockstar booth itself.

kiukkukoppi rollup final conv
Be a Rockstar in-store roll-up

bearockstar red
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